Monday, March 26, 2012

Exercise 3

The Disenchantments
Try Not to Breathe

Each review should have a short summary that doesn't give anything away.
There is usually some opinion of the writer towards the end of the review.
There is a focus on the main character but mentions about other supporting roles.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

This week I read the second Hunger Games book (catching fire) and I like the first book a lot more. The way that the book just kind of drops off at the end was kind of depressing. I love the way that Collins writes and keeps the action going either through the games or through the little bit of romance between Katniss and Peeta. The way that KAtniss can sort of read Haymitchs mind is interesting. I haven't seen the movie yet but I really hope it wasn't turned into a romance, I like the complexity of life in this futuristic view. The way that the different districts are reacting to everything that the tributes from district 12 are doing to defy the capitol infering to times that the government has been attempted to be overthrown before in other countries. To me I feel like the hunger games books are a way of the past and te future. I overall love these books and would recommend reading them before seeing the movie. I just started Mockingjay yesterday as well but im only about 30 pages into it so far. It picks up quickly from where the second book left off and I can't wait to read some more of it!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Note # 1

Love Song
Dorothy Parker

In Dorothy Parker's life like "Love Song" the extravagant and formal diction aids the figurative language depicting that the speaker is too high on love and wants to rid of the feeling she is not worthy enough for her boyfriend. The speaker describes the love "My love runs by like a day in June," exemplifying the love the speaker has for her boyfriend speeds as fast as the speed of light. The speaker simply wishing time would slow down as a teenager does on any June day during summer vacation. The speaker admits to loving her boyfriend in a very strong way, so strong she wishes "somebody'd shoot him." just to have him disappear taking from her what she belives she is less than worthy of.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Exercise 2

Everything in Roberta's life is described as Cruddy, although it is probably a little exaggerated. - Weakness 3

Outside of the room is "cruddy dark rain" seen through "the yellow lit-up window." - Weakness 2

"Once upon a cruddy time on a cruddy street on the side of a cruddy hill..." the repetitive use of cruddy creates a negative feel for the place she is describing. - Weakness 2

Reading, Reflecting, and More

Monday, March 19, 2012

Exercise 1

In Lydna Berry's "Cruddy" Berry's crude and terse language suggests that the narrator has a harsh violent manor. "Who can't even CONCENTRATE TO WRITE this because her little sister will NOT shut up," announces the narrator illustrating the harsh reality to her life. "I WILL KILL IF YOU TOUCH THIS," the way that the narrator speaks in the passage conveys a wretched and ill-humored ton suggesting to stay away from her things or else you will be dead. The repeating "cruddy," demonstrates the over all effect that the narrator feels through out the entire passage.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Reading Goals

- Read a whole book outloud
- Read at least two more books about paramedics
- Spend at least one saturday or sunday reading by the water

Anthology Theme

I think for my anthology theme I will do something about teenage love or crushes that a teenager has. It has always interested me, the way that elementary school aged kids to old couples love each other or have crushes on each other.

Some of my ideas to include in my anthology are a backstreet boys song or NSYNC song, lately I have been listening to these boy bands on replay and I think some of the songs include lyrics that play along with the idea of a crush.

A scene from a movie (maybe a walk to remember), clearly a romance.

An part of a sarah dessen book, these books always have some kind of crush/love thing going on so it seems like an obvious choice.

 These are just a few of my ideas and I haven't even explored it yet, I hope to find some not so obvious choice to include.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Hunger Games

 Everyone has been reading the hunger games and saying how amazing the book is but in all honesty I never had any intention of actually reading it. I figured that it would be one of those Harry Potter or Twilight Saga books that are only popular because of the movie. I've just started reading it and haven't quite made it to the games part of the book but I'm going through it pretty quickly. The Hunger Games is about 24 teens competing to stay alive in rigid and ridiculous matters. There could be fire or ice that they must stay alive in, they must kill each of the other competitors in order to win and bring the entire glory home for their district. Names are put into a drawing to decide who will be the chosen two, a boy and a girl from each district, to go to the capitol. I really like how there is a family aspect to the book in the beginning. Prim, only twelve, most likely would have died if it had not been for her sister stepping up and taking her place for her. With the knowledge of the next two books I think that she will survive. The new stylist for district 12 and his acceptance with doing so well foreshadows how well those of the competitors in district 12 will do for the first time in years.
            I think that the bond between the two district 12 competitors although it is slim will do the two good at first leaving them to be the final two standing when they then have to break their bond and one of them must kill the other. I think that this novel is definitely a fight to the finish with all of the required training and styling. It is not just who can stay alive the longest but who looks the best and has the most support from the different districts.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

they saved my life

So this past week I've been reading a book about paramedics and cases that the paramedics have been on. The book is called "A Paramedic's Story Life, Death, and Everything in Between" and I think I enjoy this book so much because I am able to relate to a paramedic from the way that two saved my life when I was diagnosed with diabetes. If it hadn't been for the two men in the ambulance I wouldn't be here today.

In the novel Steven, the author, known as "Kelly" tells his story of being a paramedic. There are forty different calls that he describes each in detail. In one of the calls he tells the story of an ostrich attack, which is one of the most unique stories in the book in my opinion. There was an old couple in a pasture of their farm out to feed their pet ostrich; one never knows how an animal will react to people being near. The ostrich began to attack the old man and woman, luckily the old woman got away but her husband was not so lucky. The old man attempted to fight him off with his cane but the ostrich attacked him, the man was soon dead.  There was a gaping wound in his back, one of his ears was torn off, and there was a gash from his neck to his collar bone. The bird tried to attack the police so they shot him. One officer tried to shoot him and he barely flinched and attempted to charge. The grandchildren were there but were luckily tucked inside the house safe and sound.  "Kelly" goes into great detail about the medical components of the man and women after the attack had taken place as he did in his entire novel.