Thursday, March 22, 2012

Note # 1

Love Song
Dorothy Parker

In Dorothy Parker's life like "Love Song" the extravagant and formal diction aids the figurative language depicting that the speaker is too high on love and wants to rid of the feeling she is not worthy enough for her boyfriend. The speaker describes the love "My love runs by like a day in June," exemplifying the love the speaker has for her boyfriend speeds as fast as the speed of light. The speaker simply wishing time would slow down as a teenager does on any June day during summer vacation. The speaker admits to loving her boyfriend in a very strong way, so strong she wishes "somebody'd shoot him." just to have him disappear taking from her what she belives she is less than worthy of.


  1. try not to say 'the speaker' i think it was on the list. but other than that it was really good. you have awesome descriptive words.

  2. I like your use of quotes, but make sure you're extra careful when proofreading. Your claim was a little wordy, and I had to read it a few times.

  3. Good job adding quotes in, but some of them don't flow as well as they could. Try to figure out a way to include them as a natural part of the sentence. Nice job overall.

  4. you did a good job of talking about the three topics in analyzing writing that mr. hill talked about. I agree that you should try not to say "the speaker" though.

  5. i really like the diction you used in this. i agree with what the other people said above me about the "the speaker" part. really good job though!

  6. I like this, a suggestion for a better embedded quote The speaker describes how her "love runs by like a day in June,". Maybe instead of speaker the zealous lover or a describing phrase for the speaker.
