Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Hunger Games

 Everyone has been reading the hunger games and saying how amazing the book is but in all honesty I never had any intention of actually reading it. I figured that it would be one of those Harry Potter or Twilight Saga books that are only popular because of the movie. I've just started reading it and haven't quite made it to the games part of the book but I'm going through it pretty quickly. The Hunger Games is about 24 teens competing to stay alive in rigid and ridiculous matters. There could be fire or ice that they must stay alive in, they must kill each of the other competitors in order to win and bring the entire glory home for their district. Names are put into a drawing to decide who will be the chosen two, a boy and a girl from each district, to go to the capitol. I really like how there is a family aspect to the book in the beginning. Prim, only twelve, most likely would have died if it had not been for her sister stepping up and taking her place for her. With the knowledge of the next two books I think that she will survive. The new stylist for district 12 and his acceptance with doing so well foreshadows how well those of the competitors in district 12 will do for the first time in years.
            I think that the bond between the two district 12 competitors although it is slim will do the two good at first leaving them to be the final two standing when they then have to break their bond and one of them must kill the other. I think that this novel is definitely a fight to the finish with all of the required training and styling. It is not just who can stay alive the longest but who looks the best and has the most support from the different districts.

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