Thursday, January 19, 2012

Adjusting to a New Life

I just finished "Room" and it was such a great book! I would definitely recommend it to anyone who likes mysteries or books that kind of give you the creeps at first. The book in the beginning and during the climax had my adrenaline rushing so fast I just couldn’t put it down. Once the climax was over it slowed down a little bit though since the danger was over.
 I have to say my favorite part was the first half when the two main characters were stuck in the room and then when they were escaping. Once Jack had executed plan "B" and had been able to talk to a police officer everything his Ma had taught him while they were stuck in the room helped find where the shack was. The common knowledge of left and right, which a lot of five year old children have yet to learn, save his Mas life from Old Nick. Since Old Nick had found out that Jack escaped it is very likely that he would have gone back and caused harm to his Ma. Once Jack and his Ma were out in the real world, outside as Jack called it, they were treated like super stars. Everyone wanted autographs from Jack and his Ma was constantly being asked to be on television shows. I don’t think that she really wanted to talk on the shows but she said that she was doing it to make money for Jack to go to college with, she has always cared about his future and I think this is just one more way that she is looking out for his future. Jack and his Ma stayed in a hospital for a while but gradually got more comfortable in the outside world and soon moved into independent living apartments. The adjustment for Jack was a very big one and I think overall he did very well. He went from being stuck in one room for five years to living like a pretty normal six year old.


  1. I really liked how you wrote the narrative you informed about the book without giving to much away it was awesome.

  2. The description is detailed enough to understand the basic personality of the characters but still ambiguous enough to leave part of the book a mystery and tempt anyone to read it themselves.
