Thursday, January 12, 2012

What? Since when do books make me cry?

I have been reading the novel "Room" by Emma Donoghue and it is one of those books that I just can't seem to put down. It's about this little boy who was born in a shack and has never been out of it. The boy, Jack, doesn't even realize that there is a life outside of the shack which he calls room.One might ask why they just don't leave but a man has locked Jack and his Ma in the room so it is impossible for them to escape, that is until Ma thinks up of some very dangerous plans. I usually don't cry over books or movies but this book has brought so many different emotions to the table. From the dangerous plans the mother was asking her son to do and the descriptions of how he was feeling and the persistence he had against completing these tasks brings a rush of adrenaline. Donoghue makes Jack seem like he has really never been out of this shack and brings an interesting perspective about. Since Jack has never been out of the room he thinks that there is only one real bed, television doesn't count, so he calls the bed "bed." Jack does this with several inanimate objects such as the lamp. Jack is always interested in television but Ma says it rots his brain so he is only allowed to watch it for a little bit each day, that is the days when Ma is feeling okay. Some days she lays in bed and lets a six year old boy fend for himself which is just crazy when you think about it. This is one of those books that I enjoy reading because it illustrates to me some of the ridiculous things that happen in the world that much of society is blinded from. Overall, it is a great book that brings a whole new world into my point of view and I just can't seem to put it down.

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