Thursday, January 26, 2012

Short List:1

If your house were burning...
Have you ever thought about what you would grab if your house was burning and you had to leave? Your laptop, your dog, or perhaps something that reminds you of the best time of your life. The burning house is a tumblr page that allows people all over the world to upload pictures and lists of what they would take with them in the event of their house burning down. Each person seems to have so meticulously placed each item, the majority of people bringing their phone, laptop, or camera. The picture above is from a 16 year old female from Florida, she is bringing the painted paddle that she got from attending camp for five years, her favorite books, her laptop, phone, and camera. This tumblr illustrates the way society is turning and how addicted people are coming to technology.

Dream a Little
The crumpled, white lined paper filled with a high school boys dream girl and the characteristics the so called "perfect" girl were found one day in a high school recycling bin. The simplicity of the checklist combined with the chatoic feeling the ink splattered over the page brings a desperate boys feeling to the randomly found note. This note, most likely not wanting to be found, underscores the awkward dreams and hopes that a boy may have.

The Real Artists of Marfa | Sam Schonzeit
Exhale Fumes
This picture from the New York Times Style Magazine is similar to many other photographs on this website. On the website it is mainly focused on fashion but also travel, food, and many other topics. In this particular photograph the scattered look of the shed off sets the perfectly aligned dots on the mans shirt. The dark circles under his eyes and the mask on his face says that he has been spray painting for quite some time now. The array of spray paint color contrasts with the simplicity of the man dressed in the common days blue jeans and white t-shirt.


  1. I really liked the burning house and I love the found website it is hilarious.

  2. The found magazine really gives a personal look into an anonymous life and this note is a perfect example of what the website is all about.
