Thursday, February 9, 2012

Love Gives Me Hope

Love Gives Me Hope is a website dedicated to describing what love there is left in society today. From having a long distance relationship to a brother always looking out for his sister people tell the world what love there is left. When someone has been knocked down and need to get back up they can go to Love Gives Me Hope and realize there is still love, they are not alone and that life is not useless. One story describes a girl who was about to commit suicide and while searching online for tactics to kill herself came upon the LGMH website. She decided not to kill herself.

Everyone needs love in their life, they need the support to go on. Within the website and each short story that is posted on the website, much like a tumblr page is run, illuminates a whole different side of the world that a lot of people in the world do not get the chance to see through his or her eyes. Society today has changed drastically from a century ago but there is always love in the air, somewhere, it just is not visible to everyone in the world at the same time.

Everyone can relate with at least one of the stories on the webpage because of the wide variety of subject matter. As one submission focuses on the donation of a kidney from a what seems to be a teenage boyfriend to a teenage girlfriend and another focuses on a little boy whose parents don’t take care of him so his brother writes a note on her lunch bag everyday. Despite the difference of subject matter all of the stories demonstrate the lost love that some people feel in the world presenting a happier way of life. Looking at the site may just save someone from feeling left out of the world and leaving life forever.


  1. Although I think I know what website you are talking about, you should post the website link on this post for every one else to enjoy! I really like looking at this website as well!

  2. Sounds like my kind of website. :)

  3. I love this website! It's so cute!!

  4. i really love your post about this website, which is amazing. It's so true what we all need; just a little love. I'm gonna hug the next 10 people I see.
