Thursday, February 2, 2012

Much Love.. Just Listen

So this week I took a break from The Missing Girls, I needed something  not so depressing so I picked up Just Listen by Sarah Dessen. This is a book I started to read a while ago but never finished it. Finishing books is something I really want to work on, unless it some sort of mystery I always get distracted by some other book that is begging for my attention and I mean who would want to ignore something that wants attention so badly? Yeah not me.

Anyway I started reading Just Listen again and I really like the plot of the book. I like that Annabel never would have given the music a chance if she had not met Owen. It opens your eyes and illustrates to me to broaden my horizens and try new things whether it be a new type of music or book or studying abroad a year in college.

Dessen turns a pretty normal girls life into a novel depicting a love story between Annabel and Owen. I love how realistic it all seems when you compare it with some other chic-lit books based on teenage romance. Music is a very personal thing to every individual and a lot of people find it hard to step out of their comfort zone within genres of music. Owen helps Annabel do this in Just Listen by having her “just listen,” to his radio segment once. After she has listened to it once she was intrigued and continued listening week after week. Annabel’s relationship with Owen is based mostly off music which lets the two interact with each other much more openly then they would be able interact if they hadn’t gotten to know each other as well. This is definitely a chic-lit book and I would recommend all of the Sarah Dessen books to anyone who likes chic-lit as a genre.


  1. I really like all of Sarah Dessen's books. I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did.

  2. My friend really likes Sarah Dessen...I'll refer her to your site!
