Monday, February 6, 2012

Sub Number 1 Comments

“Also, Throughout the movie, Atom starts to take on human elemenmts. The main reason of this is that he can take the hits and keep going. When other robots would just fall down and stay down, Atom would keep going until the very end. He took on a sort of Rocky personality. He would never give up, even as the underdog in a fight against the undefeated champion. Even when atom would get knocked down, he would get back up to keep fighting. Overall, Atom is the Rocky of the robot world.”

            This post focuses mainly on observation and includes basically no inference of the film Real Steal by Shawn Levy. Although Atom’s actions are described in the post they are strictly observations of the robots behaviors and there is no analysis of the robot’s behavior.
There could be more inference made within the analysis of the post by inferring why Atom is different then all of the other robots. The actions of other robots and how they contrast with Atom may also allow for some inference within the analysis.

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