Thursday, February 23, 2012

Submission # 4: Homestead Hallways

Anyone who has ever stepped foot in a high school hallway during a passing period knows the rushed and congested feeling that is contained within the hallway. In just the short six minute period the normally hushed and abandoned hallways transform into a loud and crazy place holding hundreds of people at a time. The crowded hallways transforming from an almost silent library like atmosphere to an obnoxious Gaga concert like atmosphere. Walking through the whispered hallways the art mounted on the walls underscores the intricate work that the students within the school complete throughout the school year. The windows loaded with tall standing trophies illustrate to unaware visitors in the school what achievements have been completed by the array of different students within the school.

The hallways in Homestead each can be described with a different tone, the main hallways during a passing period are always jam-packed with teenagers that are creating an earsplitting sound. The commons is always an area freshmen wish to stay away from illustrating the hierarchy within the school. The commons are filled with juniors and seniors lounging on the benches or standing in tight concealed groups making it almost impossible for one to make his or her way through the commons. On the other hand, there are hallways farther back in the school that are still calm and quiet, of course there are the occasional people one might meet walking through the left behind hallways but it is a much easier route then going through the hectic hallways.

Each hallway also has a different sense to it through the décor spread over the walls or inside windows. A hallway around the choir and band rooms has sky high trophies representing all of the amazing accomplishments the student body has made. The quick turn on the stair case emphasizes a sort of sun god underscoring the diversity within the student body at Homestead.

Walking through the hall one can see a group of giggly girls or a group of guys punching each other. There's the couples whose hands cannot seem to be separated as their arms stretch clearly not ready to part as the two go their separate ways. There's that girl who has the biggest crush on one boy but he is a year ahead of her so she takes every chance to say "hey" to him. The girl eating a yogurt or the nerd running to his chemistry class even though he has five minutes until the bell rings again he does not want to be caught arriving late to class. Where ever one is in the crowded halls of Homestead he or she can see through the personalities of the student body attending school at Homestead.

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